Online Degrees & Certificates : LPNext Banner Documentation page | Template = docs | Brand = docs | Academic Area =

Table of Contents

  1. Image hero with text and baked-in image shading
  2. Image hero with no text/no shading
  3. Image hero with text and CSS background shading
  4. Larger image hero
  5. Video hero with no text/no shading
  6. Video hero with text, RFI, and css background shading
  7. Video hero with with text, no RFI, and css background shading
  8. Video hero with with custom size (larger) headline text

Standard Banner (Baked-in shading with text overlay)

HTML/PHP Snippet

Note: Text in ALL CAPS should be updated.

	<section class="banner" style="background-image: url(/common/images/banners/BANNER-NAME.jpg);">
			<h1><span class="degreeType"><?php print $GLOBALS["degreeType"]; ?></span>
				<span class="nowrap"><?php print $GLOBALS["myTitle"]; ?></h1>

				<!-- Brand long variable -->
				<?php returnBrand($GLOBALS["brand"], "long") ?>
				<!-- Brand short variable -->
				<?php returnBrand($GLOBALS["brand"], "short") ?>

			<?php rfiButton("ghost invert"); ?>

HTML Example

	<!-- Instructions in Comments -->
	<!-- Banner images should be uploaded to /common/images/banners/
	Then update the inline style below with your new banner image.
	Note that shaded area for text readability is baked into the image
	(check with George for a PSD template). -->
	<section class="banner" style="background-image: url(/common/images/banners/business-administration.jpg);">
		<!-- div tag contains text overlay -->
			<!-- h1 heading, first span contains degree type, second span contains program name -->
			<h1><span class="degreeType">online Master of Business Administration in</span>
				<span class="nowrap">Business Administration</span></h1>
			<!-- caption text in paragraph -->
			<p>American Military University prepares students to be principled leaders in the global business community through a flexible learning environment that leverages technology and best practices focused on the practical application of knowledge.</p>
			<!-- Optional CTA / use this PHP function to insert RFI Overlay button:
			<?php rfiButton("ghost invert"); ?>
			which outputs the below button-styled anchor with proper data attributes -->
			<a id="lp5_rfi_overlay" class="rfi-overlay-button button ghost invert" title="Request Information" data-level="masters" data-program="Business Administration" href="#rfi-off-canvas">Request Information</a>

The section is what delineates banner content. The inner div shapes & positions its contents. The H1 and paragraph are for SEO and introducing the rest of the page content. Note that the H1 may look like two different elements because of the degreeType styling. For SEO reasons, it is one phrase and should make sense as such. Standard banners have white text on a default background image specified by CSS and designed so the width of the div content is less than half the banner positioned on the right.

Dynamic Brand Names

You can dynamically include the full university brand name or the university brand acronym in the caption text using these PHP functions.

	<!-- Full Brand Name "long" -->
	<?php returnBrand($GLOBALS["brand"], "long") ?>
	<!-- Brand Acronym "short" -->
	<?php returnBrand($GLOBALS["brand"], "short") ?>

RFI Button Function

You can dynamically insert an RFI overlay button using the php below. This function checks the URL for the program name and level (per our standard naming structure) and echoes a button-styled anchor with data attributes using those URL values to control the preselection of degree level and type in the RFI.

	<!-- Function / Note the the text in quotes are button classes.
	Ghost and Invert are the default for the RFI in the banner but can optionally be changed. -->
 	<?php rfiButton("ghost invert"); ?>

	<!-- What it actually does (FYI) -->
	echo '<a id="lp5_rfi_overlay" class="rfi-overlay-button button '
	. $a . '" title="Request Information" data-level="'
 	. $levelSelect . '" data-program="' . $rfiSelect
 	. '" href="#rfi-off-canvas">Request Information</a>';

Banner Without Text

HTML Snippet

	<section class="banner"
	style="background-image: url(/common/images/banners/BANNER-NAME.jpg);
	background-size: cover;
	min-height: 330px;">


Banner With Text and CSS Background Overlay

HTML/PHP Snippet

	<section class="banner" style="background-image: url(/common/images/banners/ocs-connect.jpg);
	background-position: top center;
	background-size: cover;">
		<div style="background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
		padding: 2em;">
			<h1><span class="degreeType">online Master of Arts in</span>
				<span class="nowrap">Saluting Properly</span></h1>
			<p>With a strong military heritage, AMU educates those in the military, defense, national security, public safety, and related communities.</p>
			<?php rfiButton("ghost invert"); ?>;


Large Banner

HTML/PHP Snippet

	<section class="banner" style="background-image: url(/common/images/banners/ocs-connect.jpg);
		background-position: top center;
		background-size: cover;
		min-height: 480px">
		<div style="background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
		padding: 2em;">
			<h1><span class="degreeType">online Master of Arts in</span>
				<span class="nowrap">Saluting Properly</span></h1>
			<p>With a strong military heritage, AMU educates those in the military, defense, national security, public safety, and related communities.</p>
			<?php rfiButton("ghost invert"); ?>;

CSS Snippet (add in page/include)

			@media only screen and (max-width: 637px) {
				.banner > div {
						padding: 2em;
						bottom: 0;
						position: absolute;


Video Banner

PHP Snippet

		// Add to the php tag at the top of a page or in a new tag.
		$movieID = "bz6cluulhy"; //the Wistia movie ID
		include($GLOBALS["coreContentDir"]."_includes/bannerloop.php"); //the standard video hero include


Video Banner with Text Overlay (and RFI)

PHP Snippet

		// Add to the php tag at the top of a page or in a new tag.
		$movieID = "bz6cluulhy";
		$caption = "<h1 class='degreeType'>ONLINE " . $myTitle . "</h1>";
		$padTop = "42"; // padding top percent (line 19): 42
		$posBottom = "19";// position bottom percent (line 24): 19
		include($GLOBALS["coreContentDir"]."_includes/bannerloop-large-headline.php"); //the video hero include with caption and RFI


Video Banner with Text Overlay (No RFI)

PHP Snippet

		// same as above but swap the include for this:
		include($GLOBALS["coreContentDir"]."_includes/bannerloop-large-headline-no-rfi.php"); //the video hero include with caption an NO RFI

Video Banner with Custom-Sized Text Overlay

PHP Snippet

		// Add to the php tag at the top of a page or in a new tag.
		$movieID = "bz6cluulhy";
		$caption = "<h1 class='degreeType'>School of Arts, Humanities, and Education</h1>";
		$padTop = "42"; // padding top percent (line 19): 42
		$posBottom = "19";// position bottom percent (line 24): 19
		include($GLOBALS["coreContentDir"]."_includes/bannerloop-large-headline-no-rfi.php"); //select the bannerloop-large-headline include with or without RFI
		<!-- FlowType JS include and controls  -->
		<script type="text/javascript" src="/common/js/flowtype.js"></script>
			     minimum   : 320, //adjust for best responsiveness in QA
			     maximum   : 1440, //adjust for best responsiveness in QA
			     minFont   : 14, //adjust for best responsiveness in QA
			     maxFont   : 36, //adjust for best responsiveness in QA
			     fontRatio : 11.125 //adjust for best responsiveness in QA
			<!-- In-page CSS for flexbox <figcaption>  -->
			.banner.loopVid {
				background-color: #000; //fix for mobile when video doesn't fill space and background peeks through
			.loopVid figcaption {
			  display: flex;
			  flex-direction: column;
			  flex-wrap: nowrap;
			  align-items: center;
			  justify-content: center;
			.loopVid figcaption h1 {
			  flex: 0 1 auto;
			  margin: 0;
			  text-align: center;
			.loopVid figcaption a {
			  flex: 0 auto;
			  margin: 0;
			  text-align: center;
